Friday, November 13, 2009

Naomi's first ever school picture

She screamed and cried the whole way to the school and it's not far away. About a 20 walk! So I'm glad her nose dried up before we got her picture taken!
See how the skin is around her eye? In our last trip to the neurologist a Fellow who observed noted mild facial dysmorphisms and I think that's what she meant. I think that's like down syndrome kids etc.. But Bill's toddler pictures look the same way! So what ever. Just another Dr's note to worry over!


Fawn said...

Hey, cute turkey theme you put up here!

After the whole story of the trauma it took to have the picture taken, I thought the picture would be really bad. But she's still cute! :D Why do we always think we need to smile in pictures anyway? ;)

SuzanSayz said...

I couldn't see anything different around her eyes myself. I love the picture though. I wonder, in the whole history of taking pictures of children, how many of them have been crying just previous to their picture being taken.
tee hee

Lisa Christine said...

Such a beauty! Her picture turned out lovely!