Monday, July 20, 2009

16 & Pregnant

MTV has some real crap programs and rarely shows music videos anymore, but this is an exception.

The first one I saw I only caught the last half. When it ended I thought "who would let this kid have baby?" Then I watched the whole episode and had a whole new perspective! The girls name was Farrah and her mother was no help at all. She even got on to Farrah when they toured the birthing unit and Farrah tried to ask a question about induction of labor. She said something like "do we have to stay here and listen to these disgusting questions". That poor girl couldn't ask her mom anything and her mom didn't even want her asking her questions to the nurse.
At one time I thought this is the first reality baby show I've watched and not been crying when it ended. Then I watched the episode in the posted video. I bawled my eyes out! These two kids have way better sense than their parents and are two good kids from bad situations who knew their kid deserved much more.


SuzanSayz said...

My daughter Courtney watches that show. I haven't seen it but I was pretty disgusted by it. I thought that it was glamorizing teen pregnancy. She told me that it did nothing of the sort. She changed my mind a bit and now reading this post I'm really interested. It sounds like a show that could have a profound effect on those girls going through the same thing. I'll have to try and watch a few of them. Thanks for the endorsment.

Lisa Christine said...

I never ever watch MTV anymore, but for some reason I decided to switch over to it last Thursday night and the episode was on where they give the baby up for adoption. I was so deeply touched. What brave and loving parents those 'kids' were. I have great respect for what they had the strength to do. And it gave me a whole new perspective on adoption. I can't imagine how heartbreaking it would be to hand your baby to another woman, but doing it simply because you love your baby more than you have loved anything and you want her/him to have a good life. It was a very emotional episode, and I am not an emotinoal person.

I am going to try to watch the recap show tonight. It looks like the couple that adopted their little girl brings her back for them to see :)