Friday, July 31, 2009

"Mom's" in the News

Doesn't it seem like every so often the news is just full of mother's who've gone nuts!
My homepage has a story of a mom who locked her son in a sweltering attic.
Then there's the mom on the Cleveland news who was driving her kids on the Ohio Turnpike despite the fact that she had no license and had been deemed too reckless to operate a vehicle. She thinks she nodded off and ran into a car. She and her front seat passenger were buckled in but her 4 kids...NOPE! The 5 month old was thrown from the car and last I heard was in critical condition. Two of her kids were killed. Had they been wearing seat belts they probably would have only sustained mild injuries.
There's the woman who killed, cut apart and ate her own baby in Texas.
Two women who cut babies out of other women's womb. One in Oregon one in Massachusetts.
I think it's only because it's been such a mild summer that we haven't heard of any parent's leaving their kids in a sweltering car.
It just seems like this is some sort of sick cycle that comes around every so often.
When will people ever learn to ask for help or to step in whether asked or not if a child needs help. When the family claims the mother has been in and out of psych hospitals and says she didn't mean to do it, she wasn't in her right mind. I have no doubt she wasn't in her right mind. I just wonder why, if you or the state or who ever, knew she wasn't in her right mind didn't try to get the baby into a safe situation.


Lisa Christine said...

So disturbing! A woman ate her baby?!!! That is the sickest thing I have ever read. Oh what a sad, sad world.

SuzanSayz said...

Sorry Jenny, as soon as I got to the woman eating her baby, I was so sickened I couldn't read any farther. Why must we live in such a wicked world.
I wish there was a way to know how someone wuold be as a parent, and if it could be know that they would be that wicked that they would be sterilized at birth. Kind of like in the Tom Cruise movie "Minority Report"
Thank goodness there are still plenty of good, loving, dedicated, parents that love their children and would never to a thing to harm them.
I hope I don't have nightmares tonight.

David said...

those are some crazy stories!