Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I wish I'd had a video camera!

Today the kids and I ran out to a little country market in the middle of nowhere to get some lunch meat. It's going to be near 80 all week. I don't want to have to cook!
On the way there we passed 3 Amish kids working in a hay field. I do mean "kids". I bet not one of them was over 10. The little girl seemed to be leading the team of horses while another little boy sat by her. The other boy was picking up the mowed hay and stacking it on the wagon and stomping it down to get as much as possible on there. On the way home we noticed the kids had drove the wagon in the barn and were unloading it with pitch forks. (I can not imagine giving Isaiah a pitch fork! He'd have holes in his toes for sure!).
What we saw at that farm made the next thing all that more funny!
We were driving home and on the left side was a farmer in a John Deere tractor with an air conditioned cab, pulling a bailer that kicks out the big 6 feet or so round bales. On the right side of the street, standing in the corner of their yard closest to the road, there was a group of about 5 or 6 Amish kids standing and watching the farmer kick out bales.
It was so cute! You know those kids had to be thinking that looked a whole lot easier than what they had to go through!
Those little kids are sure good workers! I'll tell you something else. In all my years of living among the Amish I have not once seen an Amish kid pitch a fit, act like a brat or be anything but polite and good natured. Whether it's at Walmart, a restaurant, grocery store or their own home, they've always been really good kids!

1 comment:

SuzanSayz said...

They are such interesting people. I didn't think they were allowed to go to restaurants.