Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Random things

See in the side bar that I'm still reading Little Dorrit. It's taking forever! This is the last Dickens book I try to read. Over 800 pages, tiny print. How did people read it by candle back then?

About the squirrels. When I let the dog out they don't run. We have punk squirrels. I swear they have gangs or something. The black ones are the worst. They come right up to the house and they aren't a bit afraid. You'd think as you walk closer they'll run, but they don't. They don't move until they're good and ready. I've pulled up in the driveway and had to wait for one to finish his business because they don't just scatter.
There's a picket fence out back that contains the dog. There's a rabbit who comes and sits outside the fence and feeds on the grass. When the dog is out there, straining at the fence, barking , barking, BARKING! She just quietly, calmly sits there and eats her grass.
Anyone ever get a stinky stick in their mulch? It looks like a carrot that's growing straight up but it has brownish green slime on it that smells rotten. Hence the name stinky stick. We haven't had any pop up yet but the last year or two some have popped up.
There are car shows EVERYWHERE in Ohio during the summer! Fairgrounds, Pizza Hut, shopping center, grocery store, Dairy Queen. Anywhere they can park, they have a car show. I sometimes drive by 2 on a weekend.
On the way to Walmart or the grocery store I often wonder, "who else lives in an area where they drive through horse poop, on the main road, on their way to the store?" Or have rails to tie up horses at local hospitals and stores. We call them "road apples".
The air quality here in our town is sweet! And I do mean SWEET! There's a cookie factory right down the street and the other day I had the windows open and the wind was coming from that direction. It smelled like baking brownies! Maybe it was my favorite Archway cookies Rocky Road cookies! MMMMMMMMMM....
When I lived in North Carolina I started calling shopping carts buggies, I still call them that.
I grew up calling Pepsi and other such drinks Pop, but refer to it now as soda.
I never took to saying "I had the kids picture made" that sounds odd to me. I say "I had the kids picture taken". People in NC use way too many double negatives. My high school English teacher would have cringed if she heard my speech when I lived there. I know "ain't got no" was said by me more than once. Ain't got no sense. Ain't got no money. Ain't got no good language skills. I'm not proud of that.

Lastly, just a fact. I got a bike trailer thing for Naomi on Sunday and have taken her on 2 bike rides. She seems to like it but doesn't squeal with laughter like I thought she would.


SuzanSayz said...

A lot of interesting things to think about here Jenny. Thank you SO much for repenting of your poor grammar and switching back to your former good sense. That is actually something that really sets me off. I know that they teach grammar in schools so why on earth do people speak so shamefully.

Lisa Christine said...

Sounds like we should move to Ohio....Donald would be in car show heaven :)

David said...

i think our squirrels are more easily spooked than that!

I've never tried dickens. well, i did try a tale of two cities, but didn't get past the first page, the size was too intimidating. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, that's as far as i got.