Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This makes me mad!

This kind of crap happens all the time! This one was lucky! But just look how many Amish he passes!
There's usually a really sad story that comes out of these types of things. Countless times people have hit groups of kids walking to school. Well, when kids are walking in a group you can bet that some of them are siblings. There are times when 1 family will loose multiple kids to stupid drivers like this.
One of the most gruesome happened when a man ,who's license had been revoked, was speeding and passed on a double yellow line. He lost control of his truck and hit a group of Amish kids. One little boy was hit so hard he was embedded in the front of the truck. I think 4 of the kids were all from 1 family that time.
I just hate to see stories like this!
Who is so stupid they try to out run the cops IN A MINIVAN!????


David said...

it makes me mad too! i'm glad they caught him. i get even more mad when the cops aren't around to catch these people.

SuzanSayz said...

How sad. Why is it that so much good has to be threatened by so much evil?