Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rainy cool Saturday evening

It is rainy and cool, yet surprisingly bright and cheery outside so I'm in the house on the Internet while Bill plays with Naomi.
Here's what I'm doing and it's hard to stop. Go to one blog, read the latest, then look at recommended blogs on that site and go to those blogs. I think you could go on forever doing this!
But I better stop!
So if I stopped at your blog and commented and you thought "where the heck did she come from!?" that's how it happened! You're just part of some chain I made online.
Why do I run into so many bloggers from Washington state??? I'd love to find a blogger in Pe Ell, Washington. My father in law lives there!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Too funny - I do the same thing too! It's fun to check out others' blogs. Hope you have a fun night!