Thursday, September 24, 2009

Where I live...

I was taking a photo of Naomi by the front door and noticed after I took the photo there was a buggy in the back ground. I must have deleted that photo. I took a few others because the buggy stopped to talk to the Amish man walking down the street, so I had time to take a few.

So Here's proof, I live in Amish country. I don't know what was going on but from about 6:30 Saturday morning and through out the day there just seemed to be buggy after buggy. The photo of Naomi with the dog on the arm of the couch looking out the window shows how much our dog hates buggies. Well I don't think it's the buggy she has a problem with it's the horses and the sound their hooves make going down the road. Our dog is 13 lbs. I don't know what she thinks she'd do to the horse if I let her loose!


Lisa Christine said...

How interesting that you live in an Amish community.

(and I too would like to see what your little dog would do to the horses! he's feisty, isn't he?)

David said...

how fun to live in amish country! i ate amish food in indiana, and it was delicioussssssssssss!