Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How's Naomi

Naomi is doing o.k.
There for a while she was having some tonic seizures where she'd fall, stiffen like she was stretching out, it would last about 5 seconds then it would end. I think adding carnitor to her diet helped that. She's not doing it anymore. She's still falling because she stiffens really quick, but it's over before she hits the ground. We are constantly following her around or putting her in her play pen which is her ball pit now. It's nerve wracking! Especially when she constantly wants to climb onto the dining room table. Isaiah heard her move a chair last night and he ran to get her and as soon as he got hold of her she seizured. That happens a lot, seizuring as soon as we get to her, I mean. Sometimes it's like seeing us coming for her triggers it. Sometimes when she's being ornery and getting into stuff she knows she shouldn't she'll have a seizure when I come to pick her up and I tell her "don't try to make me feel sorry for you" :).
In July Naomi was averaging about 15 seizures a day. Now we're up to about 40 and no idea why! We upped her ratio and that just seemed to make things worse.
We took her to a gastroenterologist last week and they're testing her for celiac disease as a precaution. It's not uncommon for them to see kids with neurological disorders, they said. We're supposed to give Naomi 11 grams of Miralax a day and prilosec. Though they prescribed a liquid Prilosec which she can't take because of the carbs and her diet. I'm waiting for the ketogenic nurse to tell them what she can take.
I'm going to have to tweak the 11 gram dosage of Miralax. She's going constantly and is way too gassy. The carnitor helped her bowels a lot! So maybe she doesn't need quite so much of a boost in that departement. The GI doctor said it can take 2 weeks on Miralax to establish a routine bowel movement.
I took her yesterday for bloodwork. They drew 4 vials for testing for celiac disease. I also called our dietitian and said I wanted her BHB (ketones in blood) tested and her glucose. For some reason she doesn't want to eat in the morning. She wakes at 6:30 and will not eat until 9:30. She needs to eat before that! Her ketones have been staying high and I want to make sure they're not too high in the morning. She's cranky also.
My mom is diabetic and I went to her house while she and Dad were gone and found her meter and tried to test Naomi's glucose on my own. It is a 2 person job! There's no way I could poke her then squeeze her finger to put blood on the strip by myself! She is way too strong. She wouldn't hold still, was screaming and just totally foul! I just put her in the car and headed home. On my way Bill called me and I told him what I tried to do and he said "can't you just take her to the pediatrician office and have them test it". To which I said "Probably, but would you want to go sit in an exam room with THIS" (insert screaming child in the back seat) "while waiting 20 minutes for the doctor to come in and see what you want!?" He didn't think so. Sometimes he'd just be better off if he made no suggestions.
So now I have to wait for the lab work to come back. The dietitian is off on Wednesdays and at another facility on Thursdays. So it will probably be Friday before I hear anything. So aggravating!


SuzanSayz said...

I'm not sure who to feel worse for here Jenny, you or Naomi. I won't play favorite though so I guess I will split the sympathy right down the middle.
I sure hope things get better for you both. I hope it helps, at least a little, knowing that someone really does care.
Sending good thoughts (and prayers)your way.

Fawn said...


We're talking about going to 5:1. I am scared out of my wits.

Lisa Christine said...

I'm with sympathy is split down the middle. Take care, you two.

David said...

that's a lot of seizures! Poor little thing.