Monday, February 16, 2009

Another Sleepless Night

Thank you to Lisa's mother in law Susan for leaving a comment of how she can relate to my sleepless nights. After I read her comment I looked at her site and a photo of her then had to go back and read to see if she'd written sister in law or mother in law! She looked very young to me!
Anyways, it was another of those 1 a.m mornings. Naomi was content to stay in bed with me going between laying her head down on my belly, and sitting up on her knees jumping in the bed. She was just so happy! Clapping her hands, flapping her arms in her excited way and just giggling like crazy. I have to pick her up a couple times and just hug her because it's just so cute! But not at 1 a.m.! I may have to stick some suction cups to her hands and feet tomorrow and stick her to the front door!
For some reason when she wakes in the middle of the night like that she doesn't have any seizures! Not a one! After she falls back asleep, and every time she wakes from a nap she has a cluster. At night though she just wakes happy and stays happy! I think another 2 year molar is coming in! That will make 2, the one that I first noticed Dec 7 still isn't all the way up! I'm going to talk to my dentist on Thursday and see if he feels I should take her to a pediatric dentist or he may even take a look at her. He'll need one of those hands on a stick like they use at the dog shelter to test the temperament of the animals! She can BITE!
On a totally unrelated note: I'm dying to know if Lisa got her daughter new sparkly red shoes for Valentines!

1 comment:

Lisa Christine said...

:) Stay tuned for tomorrow's post!

(the shoe mystery will be revealed)