Saturday, February 7, 2009

What was he thinking!

My dad gave Isaiah, who'll be 10 in May, an old camcorder.
Thankfully the battery won't hold charge so it has to be plugged in to work. Otherwise going to the bathroom in this house of old doors with no locks, would be scary!
I rewound the tape to see what riveting footage he'd shot.
There's my dad eating supper, while Isaiah makes the sound effects.
There's my mom in her nightie and house coat in her living room. He says "and there's my Grammy" and mom puts one hand on her hip and the other behind her head (bedhead) and says "Sexy, isn't she?" To which Isaiah replies "AAAAAAAA No she is NOT"
There's the kids I take to school in the morning, well mostly their eyeballs. Close ups of their eyes and tonsils.
There's also tons of footage of Isaiah's Legos. You see.... he's been watching Youtube and apparently grown men take Legos and make up dialogue with scenes and video tape the whole thing. At least he's only 9! Not like he's, single,30, living in our basement, working at a fry cook spending all his spare money at Toys R Us and Best Buy. I'm banning him from Youtube though due to the language some of these men use. Why do they think it's so funny to make a Lego Batman say "testicles"?


Lisa Christine said...

OK, I saw your comment on my brothers post and I think that you most definately, 100% need to have Isaiah watch Back to the Future. If he has such a passion for movies already, that he will LOVE that series.
And.....let us know how he likes it too!

David said...

i saw one of those Lego videos on Youtube once. I don't know why they're so popular either.

The Donald said...

You could have the next famous director on your hands!

Oh and he SO has to see BTTF so his 80's movies experience will be closer to completion.