Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Holy Lands of Maryland

My son stayed with my parents this weekend. Sunday morning my mom called and told Bill they were watching television and something came on that mentioned Baltimore and Isaiah had a "light bulb" moment and said - "Baltimore? That's where Jesus was born"
Baltimore/Bethlehem, it is MARYland.
At least he's off his Adam and his wife Eve kick. He searched for them in the cemetery where my grandparents are buried. I thought he was just looking for other family tombstones. After we left he said "I don't understand. If they were the first humans who worked at the hospitals when they had kids?!"
It's funny the way he gets things turned around!


David said...

speaking of adam and eve and where did they come from, have you ever seen that adam and eve Twilight Zone episode? it's a good one.

SuzanSayz said...

If you have children around you always have something to laugh at. They come up with such good ones.

Lisa Christine said...

David, there is an Adam and Eve twilight zone? didn't know that.

Cute post :)