Friday, March 20, 2009

Don't be a Smart Alec

I was in the shower when my husband called on his lunch break. I called him as soon as I got out. I THOUGHT I called him that is. I dialed from memory. My phones redial shows I called his number although it's dialed twice. Like xxx-xxx-xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxx.
When "he" answered the phone it sounded like I'd woke him so I thought he was just whispering. I couldn't hear machine's running in the background so I thought maybe I'd caught him in the bathroom. He hates that, but he's afraid I'll call and the one time he doesn't answer it'll be a medical emergency with Naomi. So being a complete smart Alec I say "Are you Poopin'?"
The line went silent and my thumb instinctively hit end!
I don t' know who I called but it wasn't my husband. I just hope they don't have caller I.D.
I'm wondering if the cell phone signals didn't get switched. I once dialed my parent's number and got the Applebee's in a whole different city.
I'll just throw this out to the universe: If you were woken today by the ringing of your phone and some strange woman said "are you poopin'? "and hung up...... I AM SO SORRY!


SuzanSayz said...

Stupid caller ID. Making it impossible to do something embarrassingly dumb and get away with it.

Cheer up though, I'm picturing a scenario where the guy's alarm clock didn't go off and your call woke him up and because of you he ended up just being five minutes late to an extremely important appointment. Otherwise he would have missed it completely. Thus causing him to lose out on an opportunity of a lifetime. And even more thusly cause him to be so despondant that in a weak moment he jumps from the roof of a twenty story building thus ending what would have most likely been a long and satisfying life.
So pat yourself on the back Jenny. You most likey just saved that guy's life!!!
Doesn't that make you happy?

Anonymous said...

Ahahahaha!!!! This post is HILARIOUS! And SuzanSayz's comment? Ahahaha! Another good laugh!

David said...

stupid caller ID. Making it impossible to do something like a prank and get away with it!