Sunday, October 12, 2008

All done for 2 days now

The 10th was the first day with NO Topamax. So far so good. She does have a little rash on her upper chest, may just be heat because she just woke, doesn't look menacing. I'd think the rash that can come with Topamax would have hit when she was at a high dose if it was going to come at all. Other than that things are about normal. At least no worse than when she was on Topamax and better in some ways. Today she woke at 6 a.m and didn't have one seizure. That's the first time she's woke from an over night sleep without any seizures in recent memory. She did lay down for a nap at 9:20 and woke at 10:40 and of course had a 10 minute cluster of 54 seizures. But at least we had a good morning.

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