Thursday, October 30, 2008

Day 2....

Monday was the day she had to fast so no breakfast, no lunch.

After the lab work and such we watched a Signing Time video, oh I don't know, like 50 times!!! If you haven't seen these they're good. I would recommend them for kids with speech problems. I picked up on the signing after watching it once and she loves the music, the kids and the way they show the sign then the written word, I can see how it could teach some kids to read.
The neurologist came in and said the EEG didn't tell them anything new, still generalized seizures. Since she was tolerating the EEG fine they were gonna leave it on as long as it didn't seem to bother her. They checked her ketones anytime she wet her diaper. I had to put cotton balls in her diapers then they'd take them and get urine out of the cotton balls. We unhooked her from the monitor and walked her around with the EEG still stuck to her head just to help her forget she hadn't ate but generally she did pretty good with the fasting. About 2 pm her ketones were up enough we could start giving her the Ketogenic eggnog. She loved, loved , loved it! She only got about 3 oz at a time and she had to sip it and make it last about 20 minutes and she got another 3 oz every 2 hours. It was a 1/3 strength eggnog to start with. She had 3 of the 1/3 strength then wen to 2/3 strength. She was supposed to get 3 of those but she fell asleep after the 2nd so in the morning she could start on the real food.
They introduce the eggnog slowly because they have an empty stomach and lots of kids vomit the drink back up. I think Naomi totally could have just guzzled it! I did tell the nurse if the EEG electrodes dried out (they generally refill them every shift) I didn't want them messed with. When they come in to inject the stuff into the electrodes she screams and gets all upset and I didn't want her to get upset and that make her vomit.

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