Friday, December 5, 2008

6 week check up

As of Monday Naomi will have been on the diet for 6 weeks. We've been checking her urine ketones and they've been low but weren't sure if the blood work would match up. It did. Her ketones were only 2.?? when we had blood drawn on Wednesday. Also she was a bit dry, HUH? She gets 4 meals a day, she drinks 7 oz. with each meal. Then she sucks down a 34 oz bottle of Free America carbonated water from Walmart, everyday. Still she acts thirsty! I doubt kidney stones will be a problem!
We were at the Dr's for almost 2 hours and I changed her diaper 3 times. Then she soaked her diaper on the way home! (She soaked through at the hospital too, while her Daddy was holding her! teee heee hee).
We had to meet first with the dietitian and then the neurologist. The Dr was an hour late and something must have gotten messed up because she thought we were early! Usually she's right on time, so I'll give her a break.
We go back in 6 weeks, we'll have to meet with 2 neurologists then, plus the dietitian.
We better pack pillows and sleeping bags!

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