Sunday, December 7, 2008

My Baby Rocks!

What do you do when your child is up at 5:30 a.m., you're trying to keep her quiet because the rest of the house is sleeping? You turn on the t.v. , but there's no cartoons on. Nothing with any music to get her going. You're just too tired to entertain her yourself. So go make some coffee, try to get the crust out of your eyes and then... YEAH at least MTV is playing music at this hour (only at this hour anymore!). So this morning at Naomi was rocking out with Katey Perry and her song "Hot-N-Cold" and also to Jason Miraz and his song "I'm Yours". It let me sit for a while and enjoy my coffee, and gave Naomi something to rock side to side to. She's a dancing fool!

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