Thursday, December 11, 2008

Santa's out of his bag!

On the way to school today (about a 2 minute drive), Isaiah had time to say
"Mom, some kids at school said there's no Santa. They said your parents just sneak the presents under the tree when you're sleeping. Is that true?"
Remember he's in 4th grade! We're surprised he's believed this long! I was about to pay his friend to tell him the truth. The gifts just keep getting more and more expensive and when your child can argue back that "Santa just has his Elves make them" and you have to argue back that some toys are trademarked and Santa can't just make them.
He said "if you're Santa where's your beard?" then laughed at his little joke.
Then before he got out of the car he said
"What about the Easter Bunny?"
I said: That's allllllll me too buddy. Sorry!

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