Friday, December 26, 2008

How The Diet is going

Well we've been on the diet about 8 weeks now and Naomi is still not staying in Ketosis. Her ketones are very low in the morning and don't get up to the range we want them until around 3 p.m. They fall again before bedtime. I've been keeping the dietitian updated on how it's going but can't get any answers or instructions on what to do next. With the holidays and the fact that the dietitian is only at main campus 3 days a week, it's been a pain to get answers. I emailed her this morning and she emailed me right back but I've never gotten an answer as what to do next! Do I just wait it out? Does something need to be changed? It's very aggravating. Naomi gained over 2 pounds since the start of the diet. They aren't supposed to gain ANY weight. So something needs fixed!
Her seizures have been cut in 1/2 since we met with the dietitian Dec 5th and changed her to a 3.5:1 ratio (3.5g fat to 1g carbs+protein). She's still having clusters when she wakes and then one here and there. We call the one's here and there her "stragglers". They're usually very mild and she just falls to her bottom, they're over in less than a second.
It's just aggravating to have been on the diet 2 months now and she's still not staying in ketosis! Hopefully we'll get some answers soon!

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