Friday, May 8, 2009

Morning torture session

It was self induced torture and here's the recipe.
First drink 2 large cups of coffee. Then take your toddler back up to bed for an early nap.
That was my part of it but Naomi helped. Naomi decided she could only sleep if her head were positioned on my stomach, directly above my bladder. Within half an hour I felt like I was going to burst. I actually had to lay with my legs crossed. I did not want to wake her. After an hour and 10 minutes I couldn't take it any more and tried to position her on a pillow just like she'd laid on me so I could jump up and run to the potty. I DO mean RUN!
When I came back to my room here she came running, looking really sweet. She must have woken alone and wondered where everyone was and was running this sweet little toddler run looking half asleep and threw her arms up when she saw me.
AHHHH sweet relief!

1 comment:

David said...

torture indeed!