Friday, January 16, 2009

Cabin Fever

I have Cabin Fever! Actually if I was in one of the cabin's we used to vacation in I may be a little less bored. I am tired of the snow and cold! Mostly the cold. I could run out to Walmart for a little "excitement" but I don't want to go out in the cold! It's only 5:20 p.m. and it's already starting to look like it's getting dark. I just looked at the thermometer and it has warmed up to 0 degree Fahrenheit!
I grabbed Bill's face in my hands and said "I need adult interaction!". He told me all about work. Half of which I blocked out all I caught was Fish Hook (a guy), South (another guy) and blah blah blah. But it was nice to hear the sound of his voice and not Elmo's!
Naomi hollers "MO" now and at first I thought it was more, but I'm pretty sure it's just short for Elmo.
My dad stopped and got Isaiah, his "best pal" they were going for haircuts and then Isaiah's staying with my mom and dad until Monday. They're 10 miles away and he took a suitcase full of clothes, a bag full of his PlayStation 2 and other toys and a container of Legos (Like thousands of little Legos).
Well I'm going to eat more of the potato soup I made and maybe some left over brisket and wait for the day to pass!
At least Bill will be home all weekend!

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