Wednesday, January 21, 2009


A very cute moment of toddler unity happened yesterday. As we left therapy and I was putting Naomi's coat on I noted a set of what must have been twins. A little black boy, maybe 3 years old, playing with the automatic doors, and his sweet sister, her hair in pig tails, being read to by her mother (who was oblivious to the antics of the boy) .
I got Naomi's coat on her and the boy stopped in front of her and Naomi said "NO" and he said "WHY?". His sister saw what was going on ran over and hugged Naomi. Naomi just beamed, that hug made her very happy. The little girl ran back to her mother but immediately came back and held Naomi's face in her hands. It was precious! Then came in for another hug. Naomi's laughing lightly the whole time.
As we turned to go out the door I heard the little boy banging on the door that goes back to the therapy rooms yelling "HEY! LET ME IN!!!"
That poor mother had her hands FULL!
*** found out today at therapy they're not twins! They're a year apart and ARE a handfull!

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