Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Good Day!!

Even though Naomi woke with a very runny nose yesterday, today was a very good day! Yesterday and today her seizures were as light as hiccups. Today she was also very vocal. I lay down with her for a nap about 4 and she pointed and I said "fan?" and she said "door" then she went on reciting all the words that had been lost to her since about January! "baby, ball, door, no, doll" over and over again and of course what used to be her favorite "bear!". It's nice to know once in a while that it's all still in there!! She kept patting her doll and saying baby then she'd spike it like a football and Bill asked is she saying "doll" or "down"? Either way is right so what ever at least she's trying to communicate. It was all lost to her for so long on the meds.

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