Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I got out to vote!

Finally! The candidate I voted for WON! Actually I'd have voted for an Obama/McCain ticket. If that were possible in this country. I admire McCain for his devoted service to our country. I just wish his party would have given him the nomination for presidential candidate 8 years ago. Let me just say, I proudly NEVER cast a vote for Bush! Even when Kerry/Edwards ran and I wasn't sold on them. I just felt like -anyone but Bush!

I'd say I'm an independent. Living in Ohio it's no secret how Obama won the state, the Unions. He had Union support from all our local unions. With the factories shutting down and the airline industry troubles and they were backing him 100%. Ohio now has the 2nd highest unemployment rate in the country. My husband was told yesterday that they're going on a 4 day work week, only 8 hours a day, for the next 4 weeks. It's scary! The thing is there's NO where else to find a job, at least one to support a family.
I've heard a lot of people saying McCain would be president "God willing" I just hope they can accept this. God doesn't always answer our prayers with what we want but always gives us what we need.

I'm just glad the whole thing is over. I've heard some pretty nasty things said about both sides. Obviously about Obama's race, which I really think is one of America's biggest downfalls. When I was young there was apartheid in South Africa and they had a black president before us! I'm just proud my son doesn't at all get the big deal about a black man being president. He never knew that at one time that seemed impossible.

There's also some vile things said about Palin's daughter. I'm kind of glad that poor girl can just go back to Alaska and hopefully have her baby and live her life out of the eye of the whole country.
If I never see Joe the Plumber on T.V. again I can live with it! I can not believe how the McCain camp toted him around! Thank goodness he took off his OSU hoodie!

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