Thursday, November 20, 2008

Her lips are sealed!

Today was a therapy day. I was excited because we'd called off earlier in the week and Naomi has been so vocal lately. Well, she giggled and said "bear" in physical therapy. Then we went to occupational therapy where she barely made a peep. In fairness to her a VeggieTales CD was playing and she was really listening and sometimes rocking to that. Then came speech therapy and she just looked like her little eyes were 1/2 shut and I thought for sure she'd pass out as soon as we were in the car. She hardly parted her lips during the 1/2 hour of speech therapy. Then we got in the car I handed her a sippy cup, expecting slumber to soon follow and guess what. She started going through her words. She really likes yelling what sound like "bear" although she was just looking at a Sesame Street book and pointed to Big Bird and said something similar although that did sound more like "birrr". It's coming, hopefully those ketones will kick up and she'll continue to improve. Got to get her over this cold first I suppose.

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